
Defined in qengine_opencl.hpp.

The API is provided by Qrack::QInterface, via Qrack::Engine. However, QEngineOCL has a custom constructor:


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “Qrack::QEngineOCL::QEngineOCL” with arguments (bitLenInt, const bitCapInt&, qrack_rand_gen_ptr, const complex&, bool, bool, bool, int64_t, bool, bool, real1_f, std::vector<int>, bitLenInt) in doxygen xml output for project “qrack” from directory: /tmp/qrack/doc/xml. Potential matches:

- QEngineOCL(bitLenInt qBitCount, const bitCapInt &initState, qrack_rand_gen_ptr rgp = nullptr, const complex &phaseFac = CMPLX_DEFAULT_ARG, bool doNorm = false, bool randomGlobalPhase = true, bool useHostMem = false, int64_t devID = -1, bool useHardwareRNG = true, bool ignored = false, real1_f norm_thresh = REAL1_EPSILON, std::vector<int64_t> ignored2 = {}, bitLenInt ignored4 = 0U, real1_f ignored3 = _qrack_qunit_sep_thresh)