Defined in qengine.hpp.
This is an (abstract) intermediate specialization that inherits from Qrack::QInterface. This type is specifically a “state vector” simulation, with corresponding special methods.
inline Qrack::QEngine::QEngine(bitLenInt qBitCount, qrack_rand_gen_ptr rgp = nullptr, bool doNorm = false, bool randomGlobalPhase = true, bool useHostMem = false, bool useHardwareRNG = true, real1_f norm_thresh = REAL1_EPSILON)¶
inline Qrack::QEngine::QEngine()¶
Default constructor, primarily for protected internal use.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::ZeroAmplitudes() = 0¶
Set all amplitudes to 0, and optionally temporarily deallocate state vector RAM.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::CopyStateVec(QEnginePtr src) = 0¶
Exactly copy the state vector of a different QEngine instance.
virtual bool Qrack::QEngine::IsZeroAmplitude() = 0¶
Returns “true” only if amplitudes are all totally 0.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::GetAmplitudePage(complex *pagePtr, bitCapIntOcl offset, bitCapIntOcl length) = 0¶
Copy a “page” of amplitudes from this QEngine’s internal state, into
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::SetAmplitudePage(const complex *pagePtr, bitCapIntOcl offset, bitCapIntOcl length) = 0¶
Copy a “page” of amplitudes from
into this QEngine’s internal state.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::SetAmplitudePage(QEnginePtr pageEnginePtr, bitCapIntOcl srcOffset, bitCapIntOcl dstOffset, bitCapIntOcl length) = 0¶
Copy a “page” of amplitudes from another QEngine, pointed to by
, into this QEngine’s internal state.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::ShuffleBuffers(QEnginePtr engine) = 0¶
Swap the high half of this engine with the low half of another.
This is necessary for gates which cross sub-engine boundaries.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::QueueSetDoNormalize(bool doNorm) = 0¶
Add an operation to the (OpenCL) queue, to set the value of
, which controls whether to automatically normalize the state.
virtual void Qrack::QEngine::QueueSetRunningNorm(real1_f runningNrm) = 0¶
Add an operation to the (OpenCL) queue, to set the value of
, which is the normalization constant for the next normalization operation.