Qrack  9.9
General classical-emulating-quantum development framework
Namespaces | Macros | Functions
qinterface.cpp File Reference
#include "qinterface.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <thread>
Include dependency graph for qinterface.cpp:


 GLOSSARY: bitLenInt - "bit-length integer" - unsigned integer ID of qubit position in register bitCapInt - "bit-capacity integer" - unsigned integer single-permutation value of a qubit register (typically "big integer") real1 - "real number (1-dimensional)" - floating-point real-valued number complex - "complex number" - floating-point complex-valued number (with two real1 component dimensions) quid - "quantum (simulator) unique identifier" - unsigned integer that indexes and IDs running simulators, circuits, and neurons.


#define REG_GATE_1(gate)


 Qrack::REG_GATE_1 (H)
 Apply Hadamard gate to each bit in "length," starting from bit index "start". More...
real1_f Qrack::dyadAngle (int numerator, int denomPower)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define REG_GATE_1 (   gate)
void QInterface::gate(bitLenInt start, bitLenInt length) \
{ \
for (bitLenInt bit = 0U; bit < length; ++bit) { \
gate(start + bit); \
} \
MICROSOFT_QUANTUM_DECL void U(_In_ uintq sid, _In_ uintq q, _In_ double theta, _In_ double phi, _In_ double lambda)
(External API) 3-parameter unitary gate
Definition: pinvoke_api.cpp:1504
#define bitLenInt
Definition: qrack_types.hpp:38