Qrack  9.9
General classical-emulating-quantum development framework
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs
hamiltonian.hpp File Reference
#include "common/qrack_types.hpp"
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struct  _QrackTimeEvolveOpHeader
struct  Qrack::HamiltonianOp
 A Hamiltonian can be specified in terms of arbitrary controlled single bit gates, each one an "HamiltonianOp.". More...
struct  Qrack::UniformHamiltonianOp


 GLOSSARY: bitLenInt - "bit-length integer" - unsigned integer ID of qubit position in register bitCapInt - "bit-capacity integer" - unsigned integer single-permutation value of a qubit register (typically "big integer") real1 - "real number (1-dimensional)" - floating-point real-valued number complex - "complex number" - floating-point complex-valued number (with two real1 component dimensions) quid - "quantum (simulator) unique identifier" - unsigned integer that indexes and IDs running simulators, circuits, and neurons.


typedef std::shared_ptr< HamiltonianOp > Qrack::HamiltonianOpPtr
 To define a Hamiltonian, give a vector of controlled single bit gates ("HamiltonianOp" instances) that are applied by left-multiplication in low-to-high vector index order on the state vector. More...
typedef std::vector< HamiltonianOpPtr > Qrack::Hamiltonian